Tyler - Athlete Shoot - RHS Class of 2016 {Lynchburg VA Senior Guy Photographer}

Tuesday morning I met Tyler and his parents in the gym at Rustburg for the athlete portion of his Senior Shoot.  I have been looking forward to this.  I hope to do a lot more of these for Senior Athletes in the area, and I was excited to show what I could do.  

As you can see he plays basketball.  Tyler had to do a bunch of shooting and layups.  But he got to sit some too!!  I am super pleased with how this session turned out.  It was nice to be inside for a change too.  

Good Luck, Tyler, during your Senior season at Rustburg!!!

To view more samples of my work click here. 

Dillon - Rustburg High - Class of 2016 {Lynchburg VA Senior Guy Photographer}


 Sunday was another great evening for a Senior Photo Shoot.  I love getting to work with all these Seniors.  We met at Dillon's grandparents farm.  There were fields, barns, and the Staunton River!  Plenty of places to get some great shots.  I did get in the river a bit.  Luckily there were plenty of little islands for us to stand on and to put my light on.  

Dillon hasn't decided yet where he is going to college yet, but is thinking of something in the medical field!  Good Luck, Dillon,  in whatever you choose and for now just enjoy your Senior year!!!!


Tiffany - LCA Class of 2016 {Lynchburg VA Senior Photographer}

Tiffany's session was on the hottest day so far this summer.  Or at least it felt that way.  But she was a trooper, and she looks great!  Tiffany is a Senior at Lynchburg Christian Academy.  She will be attending Liberty University after she graduates.  She is smart, is Vice-President of her Senior class, works, and is taking EMT classes this summer.  She is a busy lady, and I know her work ethic will take her far!!!  

Good luck Tiffany and I hope you have a great Senior year!!!

To view more samples of my work, click here!

Tyler - Rustburg High - Class of 2016 {Lynchburg VA Senior Photographer}

Meet Tyler!  He is a Senior at Rustburg High School.  We met at Sweet Briar College.  It was a really nice Sunday evening.  Not too hot!  We had some clouds once we moved out into the field which I love with the truck.  Very masculine!  Tyler was very relaxed which shows in his pictures.   

Tyler likes to fish and plays basketball at RHS.  Due to the refinishing of the floors in the gym we will have to take those pics when they are done!  

This my second Senior with Patriotic clothing.  He even brought an American Flag!  I am very excited by this!  I hope this shows that this generation is growing up to be proud Americans!!! 

Good luck Tyler in your Senior year!!!

To see more samples of my work click here.

Becca - Rustburg High - Class of 2016 {Lynchburg, VA Senior Photographer}


Friday evening we braved the warm temperatures and got some great shots for Becca's Senior Session.  We went to several spots at Sweet Briar College.  The campus is beautiful!  Becca is one of my Senior Reps and we did a prom dress session courteous of Celebration Bridal, earlier this year so I knew this was going to go well.  She is fun, and so comfortable in front of the camera. It was a joy to photograph her!!

To view more samples of my Senior work click here.